Our Journey with E-Business and E-Marketing

Our Journey with E-Business and E-Marketing has been fun. Building a business online was foreign territory to me. I really was a rookie. I had attempted building a website using Godaddy and Webidor before but was unsuccessful. I built them with my knowledge but gave up after not getting any immediate results. Because I was ignorant of the process to build an online business It was a dead-end road for us.

Skeptical of E-Business and E-Marketing

I have been very skeptical about these systems that require me to pay. My Husband brought a few different platforms to me that I shot down immediately because of the cost. However, when you think about it building a business is costly not to mention the marketing aspect of it all. I was firm in mind that if I had to spend money on something I wasn’t getting immediate revenue from I was not interested.

My Husband Had Another Idea

After I very obviously expressed I didn’t want to waste our money my husband saw things different. He sought out more information. We tried Disistore24 as well as built a Shopify store for our memorabilia with the movement we have started the 2 Percent Era. The cost to those were very low without any kind of marketing direction.

On August 27th I am finishing up cleaning a house and come out to the car and my husband is super excited and ready to show me something. He says I had a meeting with someone and they sent this video I want you to watch. I said what do you mean a meeting with someone. He immediately shut me up by pressing play. I watched this 13 min video and I asked how much do we have to pay. He responds with Just read this email and follow these steps. I really believe in this he said.


I read the email and followed the steps that brought me to this email which was 1 hour and 30 min long. We watched the video and I was sold. I thought we could do this. So we paid for our domain but it takes 48m hours to set up so now we wait. We were also given homework by our instructor and told we had to finish the homework before moving forward. We needed to read Rory Ricord’s book Marketing is Freedom. Immediately we began listening to it on audible. While we listened and listened as we traveled the roads of Arizona, In and out of the mountains and across the desert trying to figure out our next move. We were getting educated on what our life was to become. Marketing as truly shown us freedom.


Freedom from time spent in a pondering state, Also freedom from negativity. We have put all of our time and efforts into building what truly will become a legacy. the truth about it is that the only difference between us and Rory, Nile, Stacy, Sandy, Mike and so many more is that they have been doing it longer.

This is something we have started from nothing and have watched it grow and grow. Before you know it we are on top living a legacy.

Not all E-Marketing and E-Business opportunities are money schemes. Don’t get me wrong a lot of them are but RRR247 is truly honest. If you put the work in you will see the fruits of your labor. Trust and Invest in yourself and put faith in your higher power. Get up and choose to do the next right thing and you too can be successful in the journey of E-Marketing and E-Business.

Contact us to get more information about starting your own performance blogging system alongside an amazing instructor!