What Do You Eat?

What do you eat? We have another great find for you to check out! Its a rare beef. We are talking beef that will make you smack your grandma. They anchor their beliefs in the notion that the most delectable beef emerges from a patient and truthful approach, one that aligns harmoniously with nature. Recognizing the intimate relationship between nutrient density and flavor as well as aroma, their unwavering focus remains firmly fixed on soil health. There’s no room for greenwashing or artificial facades in their philosophy.

A Word From Mr RC Carter Himself

“We believe in better and strive for deeper connection and a more honest relationship with our food. The condition of our soul is mere reflection of the state of our soil. We don’t fight for nature, we are nature. Our goal is to create a new food model that is ecologically, socially and financially responsible. Sure we are a beef company, but at our core, we continually push and develop more restorative and regenerative management tools. Everything is connected and it’s our responsibility to honor that truth.” R.C. Carter

Here is some EDUtainment for you

Cow Wisdom

Their wisdom about cattle and the expansive grasslands that cradle them has been passed down through generations, a legacy from their forebears. Rather than conforming to prevailing norms, they boldly invest in the wisdom of nature, drawing lessons from her book. Their selection criteria are as unique as a rare vintage wine. They exclusively source older animals, aged between 4 to 14 years, firmly believing that, much like fine wine, their beef only improves with time.

We Have Been Doing This All Wrong

Ladies and gentlemen, it’s high time we acknowledge the truth: our previous approaches were far from ideal. Our traditional methods were as centralized and nutritionally inadequate as a cardboard sandwich. We’ve been purchasing water and nutritionally lacking foods. Can you believe it? Even broccoli has lost 50% of its nutrients!

We’ve spent a staggering 1.9 trillion on medical expenses, and harmful chemicals in our food are responsible for 80% of deaths, affecting our metabolic health. Nutrient density is crucial at the cellular level, and it’s time to steer society in a more positive direction. Let’s focus on highlighting problems and offering solutions.

The Pursuit

So, in their relentless pursuit to liberate themselves from the clutches of the commodity market, they hatched a brilliant plan. Behold, the birth of the Beef Market! But there’s a delightful twist to this story: they aren’t in the business of slicing and dicing young, sprightly cows. No, they’ve gone for the seasoned, wise cows that have been munching on grass like they’re at an endless salad buffet.

Then, there’s the spectacle known as the Regen Agric Convention. It’s a grand gathering where the Nutrient Food Association, along with a cadre of esteemed scientists, takes the lead. Think of it as a superhero team-up, but for the noble causes of soil health and food health. They’ve swooped in to save the day!

The Truth Is

Our diet shapes our well-being, and nutritious foods can be lifesavers. The truth has been concealed from us. Obesity rates have soared to alarming levels, and if we embraced nutrient-dense foods, we wouldn’t be battling excess weight. In the past, we didn’t face such widespread cancer issues until large corporations inundated us with unhealthy products.

Learn more about Carter Country Meats by listening to their podcast on Spotify, Apple, Youtube and more. Or by visiting their Instagram!

The Science

Now, when it comes to their scientific endeavors, they’ve delved deep into the data from all those meat samples they sent in. The results are mind-boggling, leaving everyone in a state of intellectual euphoria. It’s like trying to impart the mysteries of quantum physics to a toddler—mind-bending, to say the least!

  • OMEGA 3 to 6 Ratio is 3 ½ times more beneficial for Human Health.
  • Essential Amino Acids- your Body Does not make those. You can only get those through Consumption of Foods. Essential Amino Acids Benefits 70% higher than the average grass fed beef.
  • Non-Essential Amino Acids Benefits 80% higher than the average grass fed beef.
  • 64% more Phyto-Nutrient

Adopting a bold stance that transcends blind trust in labels and instead champions the discerning palate of our tongues. Our bodies communicate with our brains through the language of taste buds, conveying the wisdom of nutrient density. We firmly grasp the connection between nutrient density and brain function, recognizing the profound impact on our overall well-being.

The Mission

The mission is crystal clear: to enrich the soil and elevate the quality of food. It’s a new frontier in the realm of science. The fruits of their discoveries bear witness to remarkable benefits, such as the elusive secrets of anti-aging and anti-inflammation. It’s a journey into the uncharted sphere of science, where taste, health, and nutrition converge in tantalizing harmony.

In Conclusion

These animals are essentially free-roaming in their natural habitat, feasting on native flora rather than just being part of the usual commodity farming scene. It’s this unique lifestyle that contributes to the exceptional nutrient density of the beef. You don’t need a sales pitch here; it’s as simple as giving it a try. When they chow down on this beef, they’ll not only taste the flavor, but so much more. It’s an experience that might make you wonder if you’ve ever truly tasted beef before.

Surprisingly, 60% of our customers’ favorite product turns out to be the humble hamburger. There’s nothing easier to cook than some good ol’ ground beef. However, easy cooking doesn’t mean sacrificing flavor. For those embracing the carnivore lifestyle, it’s a whole new level of health they’re venturing into. We’re on a mission to reclaim it, one consumer at a time. If you would like to get some more information about Carter Country Meats please go HERE!