Grandma’s Loose Meat Sam’ich

Growing up in the Midwest it was always BBQ!! But, for those occasions when time was not on your side Grandma’s Loose Meat Sam’ich would always save the day. Some folks refer to them as Sloppy Joes, and you might hear, “Tonight, it’s Manwich night,” which tends to evoke mixed reactions – about half the folks love them, and the other half can’t stand them.

In my household growing up, I never had to endure the questionable flavors of a Manwich Sam’wich. Why, you ask? Because we had Grandma’s Loose Meat Sam’ichs! I’ve never prepared these without an immediate request for seconds, and they’re unbelievably easy to make. They take no time at all!

Beef Is What’s For Dinner (Grandma’s Loose Meat Sam’ich)

We always had that crap from the local grocery store you know the stuff they fill with water as filler to make the weight for sales. But now days you can order your MEATS Direct to Consumer! WHAT that means Directly to your door step and not only is it the best tasting meats but it is the nutrient dense meat your body craves. So Grandmas Loose meat sam’iches wont only be the best tasting but they will be full of nutrients!!! Go Get Your Nutrient Dense Meats DELIVERED TO YOUR DOOR TODAY

Grandmas Loose Meat Sam’ich RECIPE

I was taught that you measure with love so I will give you the recipe in measurements that are give or take measurements. I was always told when your cooking and your using seasonings that if you are doing it with love then you will know when there is enough. Use your intuition.


  • 1lb Carter Country Ground Beef
  • 1 tsp garlic powder
  • 1tsp salt
  • 1tsp pepper
  • 1 tsp lawry’s Seasoning salt
  • 1/4 cup ketchup
  • 1/4 cup BBQ sauce of your liking we use Sweet Baby Rays Original
  • 1/8 cup of yellow mustard


In a large sauce pan put in the ground beef and all dry seasonings and brown the ground beef until there is no more pink and drain the grease. Put the beef back on medium heat and add your Ketchup, BBQ sauce, and yellow mustard and let this simmer about 5 min stirring frequently. We like to use a hotdog bun and cut the top out as shown in the video below but any type of bun works. All in all this takes about 20 min. Serve it up with some PaPas Baked Beans (recipe soon to come) or homemade french fries and pasta salad and your kids and family will be begging for this meal at least once a week!!! See the video below for a nice view of the plating…

Check out Carter’s Country Meats they are Nutrient Dense meats learn more about them here…